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Employment Verification Letters
If you’re a boss or employer, a proof of employment letter, also known as an employment verification letter, is a form of formal correspondence. The purpose of the letter or form is to verify that an employee works there, how much they make, and other information typically requested by a potential creditor.
When writing a letter to verify employment, you’ll need to be aware the possible impact on an employee’s well being. A mortgage loan, credit card, or even college loan could be on the line. So, even if you are a small business, you need to be adequately prepared to write a clear, professional letter. We have several employment verification letter templates, as well as employment verification sample letters and forms that you can download on this page on your own.
Learning to write good business letter is a must for executives and managers in every industry. Good communication is what helps you stand out from the crowd. So take your time, read some of the sample employment verification letters at the bottom of this page, and start brainstorming. It’s a great idea to download one of our free employment verification templates to keep on hand when the occasion arises. We also have many other templates on this website that you’ll find very useful for business purposes.
An employment verification letter should be handled as professionally as any of your other business correspondence, even if it seems it only will benefit the employee. Your employee expects you to take these sorts of requests seriously, and usually there is a need for urgency as they’re trying to take out credit in some form. If you write a shoddy, incomplete letter full of spelling errors, the verification letter will actually reflect quite poorly on your business at large. Don’t slack off when it comes to writing letters like these. Be a professional, and remember, in the back of your head, your business may need to work with this financial entity, too.
Verification of employment is often required when a person applies for a loan, buys property, and for similar purposes where a person needs their income and work details verified. As an employer or manager, you should use the employment verification letter to explain who you are and provide a truthful explanation of the employee’s duties. If requested, you should verify the employee’s first date of work with you, hours, and income. Like all important business letters, you should print the final product on professional letterhead. Make sure you provide your job title, phone extension and other contact information, so the letter recipient will know how to get in touch with you with any additional questions they may have. Don’t hand-address the envelope. Instead, print on a label or directly onto the stationary that matches the letterhead.
Downloadable Templates:
Tips for Managers Writing Employment Verification Letters
Normally, employment verification letters will be written by a manager on behalf of employees. Usually, the employee will approach you in person or send an email requesting you write this letter for them. Don’t slack and let the employee write a letter for you to sign off on; your reputation is at stake with the community. You will want to be accurate and specific. You should always write the letter on the behalf of the employee so you can control the message.
When writing a proof of employment letter, you will want to consider the audience as well as the employee you are writing it for. You may want to use a formal business tone when dealing with banks and other financiers. However, if you’re writing a letter to verify employment because an employee is moving on to another job, you may want to leave finances out of the picture and instead focus on the details of his or her daily tasks at your company.
Take into consideration the purpose and scope of your letter, and you’ll be able to craft clear and professional communications to meet the requester’s needs. Having a good proof of employment letter template on hand for these occasions can help you meet the needs of your employees. Keep the letters to one page and you’ll be able to eventually get the time for this task down to five or ten minutes. Your employees will appreciate your promptness, and you’ll appreciate having a quick process for writing formal letters such as these.
If you work for the government or nonprofit, you may find you have a regular need to qualify people for services. Many nonprofits help people who make a certain income under the federal poverty line. The people seeking the service will fill out this form. The proof of employment verification forms should gather information about the individual’s work situation. It should ask about hours, salary or per-hour pay, and other benefits that could be considered as income, such as a transportation subsidy. The form should only ask questions that are legal to ask.
The upside of these types of templates is that you can gather all of the information in an organized manner. You can take the data from these forms and enter them into a database where you can also gain statistical insights. A form leaves out bias and only states facts about the person you’re verifying information on. This helps people who provide housing or health insurance to low-income residents get the information they need to make a decision in a uniform matter.
Make sure you are familiar with privacy laws in your locality. If it is illegal to ask for information on gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other private information then it’s your responsibility to know this and make sure that you don’t request this information. The templates you use should be easy to read, clean, and well organized. We have several free employment verification templates on this page for you to choose from.
Verification of Employment
If you’re one of the lucky employees with a lazy boss, you may find yourself tasked with writing your own employment verification letter. This is a big responsibility and you should choose your words wisely. If you try to exaggerate your income of or inflate your duties, your manager may not feel like signing off on it.
The letter will need to be written in first person in your boss’s voice. This means it should be, at bare minimum, professionally phrased and accurate. Write your own letter, but leave out any bragging. Stick to the facts when writing your letter. The letter should explain who your boss is, and that they manage you. It should be clear the letter was being written to help verify this information. State how many hours you work every week and your weekly or monthly take-home income. You should also include any information about your duties, job title, and any other benefits you may receive as an employee. Make sure you end with a polite salutation, such as “Best,” or “Sincerely.” Include your boss’s contact information and let the recipient know they can call or email with any questions.
When Screening Potential Employees, Use an Employment Verification Form.
If you’re a business that is interested in hiring new employees, an employment verification form can be used to verify employment in an unbiased, uniform manner. It’s often said it’s better to be safe than sorry, and when checking a potential recruit’s background, this is definitely the case. This is especially true when you’re screening applicants for a high-profile position that requires a highly skilled worker. Don’t let applicants get over on you by misrepresenting their duties or importance at their current or past jobs. You’ll find that you’ve been oversold and you may end up with a worker whose skills fall short from the image they’ve projected to you.
You’ll want to include information about employee duties, verify their work hours, and other information that tends to be fibbed about and exaggerated. In the business world, fabrications about certain aspects of an employee’s background can often be inaccurate. An employer can verify that the employee is honestly portraying his or her background, worth and skills. Human resources department will tell you that a significant number of job applicants falsify information on their resumes. LinkedIn has also been known to harbor inaccurate recommendations from strangers that the potential employee may never have even met. Because of this, you need to get information straight from the source. Having a standardized way to do this, in the form of an employment verification form, will make it easier for you to screen job applicants. False dates of employment are one of the many red flags you may find when weeding through applications.
Employment Verification Forms
An employment verification form can be used to contact prior employers of a potential job applicant. You can user this form to eliminate any bias or exaggerations on the part of the employer. You’ll find that the information that an employer has on hand is far more accurate than the information you may get from your applicants.
Verifying past employment is essential. Don’t ignore it. This is a vital part of job screening. You can use the opportunity to learn about their past performance or any skills they may have exaggerated. Former employers will give you information on the applicant’s job title, salary, and employment dates. They may even be able to give you the reason the applicant gave them for leaving at the time.
Employment Verification Letter Sample (Email Version)
Subject line: Verification of Employment for Jane Stafford
email address:
January 12, 2013
Dear Mr. Richardson,
This email is written to confirm that Jane Stafford works as a full-time video game programmer at our company. As a junior level programmer, her annual payment is $158,000/a year. She has been working with us since December of 2010. When we hired her, we performed both a background and credit check and found her reputation was impeccable.
The job responsibilities that Ms. Stafford fulfills, in our company, include development of video game mazes and 3-D imaging; she also carries out tasks related to plot development and concepts. She is well versed in creating believable 3-D worlds and all of the projects she has worked on are very popular. We believe she will be a great asset to our company for years to come.
You may contact our office if you have any additional questions about Ms. Stafford. We’ll be happy to provide any information you may need to make a decision.
James Holloway
Starry Skies Gaming
Phone: 313-213-0987
Sample Employment Verification Letter (Letterhead Version)
Jonathon Beer
Wild Journeys, L.L.C.
100 Bear Claw’s Way
North Pole, Alaska 99705
January 5, 2016
Dear Mr. Beer,
My name is Wilfred Dowd, and I am the owner of Crazy Adventures, Inc. Our business offers some of the best group trips that extreme travel has to offer.
I am writing to you today to help verify the employment of Jamal Jenkins, the head of our Mountain Climbing Training Team. He has been with us since December 2003. He entered our field as a novice and started out simply manning the ticket booth. Today, he is an award-winning X-game biker, as well as a mentor to many of the children who attend our camp each summer. Mr. Jenkins has been responsible for some of our highest-selling events, and has helped us with everything from event planning to marketing.
As head of our Mountain Climbing Training Team, Mr. Jenkins makes $29,000 a year. He lives on-site in an apartment we provide for him, and has full use of the company’s rental fleet.
I hope this information is helpful in making a credit decision. If you have any additional information you need to know about Mr. Jenkins’s employment here, please give me a call at 645-908-1212. You can also reach me via email at
Wilfred W. Dowd, III.
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