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Rejection Letter

KSh 3,000.00


We all know the frustrations when turned down for a prospective job. You’ve spent time and effort on the application letter, interviews, and more. So it would be disheartening to bring the bad news to you as a candidate.

This is true, especially for recruiters who would be delivering the punch. Even those who send the letters could feel some discomfort. Nobody wants to be bearers of such information.

This may be the reason why many rejection letter templates are cold and shrouded in mystery. There’s nothing worse for an optimistic candidate than rejection, even more so after going through the process with flying colors.

Consider how to write a rejection letter. You can make it easier for the recipients if you add a humane element. A few minutes of the writer’s time is enough to inject words of empathy into the letter.

It could make the rejection easier to accept without feeling bitter. Click here to read more.


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