Estate Lawyers in Kenya

Published by Raymond Nduga

Jul 25, 2024

Find Estate Lawyers to Work for You

Estate and trust planning involves using professional advisors or lawyers familiar with your goals, concerns, and assets to organise your estate and establish your trust. Estate Lawyers in Kenya can assist with Estate planning, which covers property transfer at death and other personal matters.

An estate plan is essential because it creates a comprehensive strategy for managing and passing on assets, insurance, and health directives. Individuals, families, and couples who want to think ahead for the future must create an estate plan so that different pieces of their net wealth can be managed as part of a unified whole and go to the people they want.

What is Estate Planning?

Estate administration is the maintenance and distribution of assets after someone dies. This is done in accordance with the decedent’s will (the person who died) or state law.

The death of someone close to you is one of the most stressful things you can experience in life, and sorting through the surrounding emotional chaos is terrible enough without dealing with a convoluted or missing will.

Getting your estate in order before you die ensures that your possessions will make a smoother transition into the hands of those you love and care for, and a good estate or trust lawyer can help you with several aspects of estate and trust law:

  • Estate Planning;
  • Estate Administration and
  • Drafting a Will or Trust.

Estate planning is preparing your estate for your expected or unexpected death. Estate planning lawyers can assist you in choosing beneficiaries, planning for the care of your children, or even making arrangements for your funeral.

Most individuals who are single and under the age of 25 do not need to begin planning the division of their estate, but those who are in a position where they have a life partner or young children may find value in planning. Estate planning can also help you determine the following areas in your estate and how they should be decided upon your death:

  • How you should receive medical treatment;
  • Organ donation;
  • Who will make your legal and financial decisions if you are incapacitated;
  • Who will care for your minor children;
  • Who will take over your business interests and
  • Your funeral arrangements.

How Can I Create an Estate Plan?

Creating the estate plan will mean tallying up all the different pieces of a person’s wealth, including property owned, stocks, holdings, cash, savings, insurance policies, and health issues. People with disabilities need to create specific estate plans to meet their needs.

Many people create a will to begin building an estate plan. Next, they consider any assets they want to leave in trust and establish a trust for them. Trusts are established by a grantor, who assigns trustees and beneficiaries and guidelines for the trust and then moves wealth and gifts into the trust. An experienced lawyer can explain all your options and help you understand what types of wills or trusts suit you and your family when creating your estate plan.

What Do Estate Planning Lawyers Do

The person appointed to administer the estate may have tax or legal questions that need to be answered by a lawyer or tax professional. An experienced estate lawyer will know what to do and help guide you through the legal process.

If you choose to create a will or trust, consulting with a lawyer experienced in estate planning is always wise. Drafting a will or trust can be difficult, and the help of a professional can be crucial. The potential tax implications and legal formalities of will and trust drafting make a lawyer’s counsel indispensable. A lawyer can explain all your options and help you understand what types of wills or trusts suit you and your family.

Once your lawyer has assisted you in drafting a will or trust, which usually follows estate planning, they may also offer to take care of your estate administration. Estate administration is the maintenance and distribution of assets after a death. An experienced estate lawyer will follow the terms of the drafted will and explain all available options to the beneficiaries.

Where Can You Find the Right Estate Planning Lawyer?

Planning your will may seem tedious, but an experienced estate lawyer can help you navigate the ins and outs of planning for your future. Please contact us if you want to learn more about drafting a will or trust.

Remote Estate Lawyers in Kenya

Our lawyers work remotely, which not only helps to reduce costs but also provides us with the flexibility to engage with businesses from anywhere in the world. Rayness Analytica has years of experience in remote engagements, supporting onboarding and managing thousands of remote relationships.

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us through our Contact Us page. We aim to become your preferred choice for estate lawyers in Nairobi, Kenya.

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