What is an Insurance Lawyer?
Insurance lawyers are adept at handling various insurance-related issues due to their extensive knowledge and experience. Most individuals have some form of insurance, whether life insurance, homeowners insurance, or car insurance. However, the relationship with your insurance company can often lead to complications. In such cases, the expertise of insurance lawyers in Kenya can be invaluable.
There are instances where your insurance company may not fulfil its obligations, such as not paying for damage to your home or car accident issues. In such cases, legal action may be necessary, and an insurance lawyer can be instrumental in ensuring your insurance company meets its obligations, relieving you of the burden of dealing with such issues alone.
Understanding Your Insurance Policy: The Crucial Role of an Insurance Lawyer. It’s vital to grasp that an insurance policy is a contract where one party agrees to pay a premium in exchange for coverage. This contractual nature of insurance policies is often overlooked, but it’s crucial in navigating the legal relationship between the insured and the insurance company. An insurance lawyer plays a vital role in helping you understand and enforce this contract.
Protecting Your Financial Security: The Crucial Role of an Insurance Lawyer. When an event causes the insured to suffer a loss, the insurance company must defend the insured from any losses, damages, or liability. This is where your insurance lawyer becomes crucial. They ensure that the legal, contractual relationship between you and the insurer is upheld, protecting you if a covered event occurs and safeguarding your financial security, giving you a sense of security and peace of mind.
Anyone who has dealt with insurance issues knows things sometimes go differently than they should. Sometimes, a lawsuit arises when the insurance company does not protect or indemnify the insured from an act covered under the policy.
Why is it Important to Have an Insurance Lawyer?
An insurance lawyer is essential for any issues related to your insurance policies. Insurance companies are often lucrative businesses with lawyers on staff to defend them from lawsuits. If the company does not have a lawyer, it likely has the funds to hire one. It would be tough for you to fight the insurance company alone.
One of the most common issues is an improper denial of a claim. If your insurance company improperly denies your claim or fails to pay promptly, you can seek legal assistance. This empowers you to take action and ensures that your rights as an insured individual are protected.
Without an experienced lawyer, the lawsuit process against the insurance company will be lengthy and complex. The company will want to delay paying the claim, especially if it has grounds for denial.
Insurance companies are legally required to pay an adequately filed insurance claim promptly. The regulations also provide that insurance companies owe their insureds an implied good faith and fair dealing covenant.
When an insurance company breaches this duty by wrongfully denying an adequately filed and covered claim, it may be liable for damages. In some cases, you may also be able to recover punitive damages. Your insurance lawyer will be able to explain damages and the likelihood of recovery.
What are Some Other Issues Related to Insurance Claims?
An insurance company cannot cancel your policy after one missed payment. Laws mandate that insurance companies inform policyholders that a payment has yet to be made. The company must then provide a grace period, the length of which may vary depending on the type of insurance, during which the insured may make a payment and resume coverage.
Since life insurance typically covers more significant amounts of money than other types of insurance, the grace period may be longer, around 30 days. Although not required by law, some insurance companies may allow the insured to reinstate a terminated policy even after the grace period. However, it is typically quite costly.
An insurance company is not permitted to allow an insured to miss a payment or ignore a missed payment without notifying them about it and then using that missed payment to refuse to pay out the policy later. Those actions would be considered acting in bad faith and could be the basis of a civil lawsuit.
Do You Need an Insurance Lawyer for Your Case?
Yes, having an insurance lawyer on your side is essential during your insurance case. Your lawyer will review your case, determine if damages may be available to you, and represent you during any court proceedings, if necessary.
Many lawsuits are filed based on a breach of contract. If your breach of contract claim is successful, you may be entitled to actual damages, which include the amount you were supposed to receive under the contract. In addition, some courts allow for the recovery of out-of-pocket expenses, such as lawyers’ fees, and in some cases, punitive damages.
An insurance lawyer will help ensure that your insurance company takes your claim seriously and fights to receive the compensation you deserve. Your lawyer will also ensure that your claim complies with the laws. Your lawyer can also assist you in negotiating with your insurance company to obtain a settlement for your claim.
Remote Insurance Lawyers in Kenya
Our lawyers work remotely, which not only helps to reduce costs but also provides us with the flexibility to engage with businesses from anywhere in the world. Rayness Analytica has years of experience in remote engagements, supporting onboarding and managing thousands of remote relationships.
If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us through our Contact Us page. We aim to become your preferred choice for insurance lawyers in Nairobi, Kenya.